4C Food Program
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Nothing but the Best for your Child Care Program! Get Quality Provider Service along with FREE Incentives when you Join the 4C Food Program!
4C’s federally funded food program can provide you with the funding to ensure the kids in your care are receiving nutritious meals. The program provides nutrition education and reimbursement for Child Care providers who serve meals which meet the USDA Child and Adult Food Program guidelines. The 4C Food Program services six (6) counties: Milwaukee, Waukesha, Washington, Ozaukee, Racine and Kenosha. Family Child Care programs are eligible to be part of the Food Program when they are regulated as a Certified or Licensed Provider and have at least one enrolled full- or part-time child.
• Receive a monthly check to help pay for the cost of serving healthy meals and snacks to children in your care.
• Take advantage of the support and training offered by 4C: guidance in menu planning, shopping tips and recipe ideas, newsletters and educational materials to make your job as a child care provider more enjoyable.
• Have fun serving healthy and nutritious meals to the children in your care.
• Lets parents know that their children are eating well and building strong bodies and sharp minds.
We do not support Group Centers at this time, only Family Providers.
Questions? Email cacfp@4cfc.org or call the 4C Food Program at 414-562-2652