
The 4C For Children Training Department provides a diverse array of classes designed to assist and support you throughout your child care career. Whether you are just starting in the field or seeking to enhance your professional development, our courses will expand your knowledge and deepen your understanding of early childhood education.

Class Schedule

To Register for a class:

  • Select a title of interest: (entry-level, continuing education etc..)
  • Click on grey + to see all sessions available for each class.
  • Select a course below and click on the Registry Event #.

Please make sure to review all class policies located under General Information before signing up for classes.

Child Care Foundational Trainings (CCFT) Course Offered In-Person or Blended via Zoom and online systems – Check both sections for offerings.

CCFT: Introduction to the Child Care Profession (Revised 2024) IN-PERSON at 4C office

Revised in 2024, this Child Care Foundational Training provides foundational knowledge and skills training for
individuals as they begin, or consider a career in caring for children. Content includes exploring a variety of
early care and education settings, including group and family child care. Learners explore rules and
regulations governing group and family child care and the responsibilities of early care and education
professionals. Practices and strategies will be explored to reflect the diverse needs of children and families in

This course fulfills introductory noncredit course requirements as specified in the Department of Children and
Families (DCF) Chapters 202, 250, and 251 for Family and Group Child Care in Wisconsin’s Administrative

Fee: $50.00   Time: 50 hours    ( 33 hours of in-person time and 17 hours of outside of class work)

January Dates: $50.00 Generously Funded by  DCF- Department of Children and Families

Daytime In-Person Class: January 22, 23, 29, 30, February 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 2025

Class time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm  Registry Event ID #964074

Location of class: 4C For Children 1736 N. 2nd St. Milwaukee, WI 53212


March Dates: $50.00 Generously Funded by  DCF- Department of Children and Families

Evening In-Person  Class:  March 24, 25, April 1, 7, 8, 15, 21, 22, 29, May 5 and 6, 2025 

Class time: 6:00 pm -9:00 pm  Registry Event ID #966814

Location of class: 4C For Children 1736 N. 2nd St. Milwaukee, WI 53212

In-person must arrive 15 minutes before the start of class to enter the building. Small vending machine operating on-site please bring beverages and snacks if needed. Water is available.

Each class listed is 50 hours worth of time, you are signing up to attend all dates at the time indicated for class. Please read all policies listed on the website before signing up for the class.

CCFT: Introduction to the Child Care Profession (Revised 2024) Blended - Web Based via Zoom

Revised in 2024, this Child Care Foundational Training provides foundational knowledge and skills training for
individuals as they begin, or consider a career in caring for children. Content includes exploring a variety of
early care and education settings, including group and family child care. Learners explore rules and
regulations governing group and family child care and the responsibilities of early care and education
professionals. Practices and strategies will be explored to reflect the diverse needs of children and families in

This course fulfills introductory noncredit course requirements as specified in the Department of Children and
Families (DCF) Chapters 202, 250, and 251 for Family and Group Child Care in Wisconsin’s Administrative

This course will be completed as an online blended course with 32 hours of online work utilizing the WI Registry Learning Management System (LMS) and Google Classroom. 18 hours of the course will be done via Virtual ZOOM. (You will receive a total of 50 hours of training) Dates that are listed for the class have times that will vary. Please write them carefully on your calendar when registering.

Fee: $50.00   Time: 50 hours    (18 hours Virtual Via Zoom and 32 hours of Online work via WI Registry LMS and Google Classroom)

In Progress ~ December Dates: $50.00 Generously Funded by  DCF- Department of Children and Families

Online Work completed on own in WI Registry LMS and Google Classroom = 32 hours of time

Virtual 18 hours of meetings: 

  • December 30 – 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
  • January 6-6:00 pm-7:00 pm
  • January 13-6:00 pm-7:00 pm
  • January 21-6:00 pm-7:00 pm
  • January 27-6:00 pm-8:00 pm
  • February 3-6:00 pm-8:00 pm
  • February 10 -6:00 pm-8:00 pm
  • February 18-6:00 pm-7:00 pm
  • February 24-6:00 pm-7:00 pm
  • March 3- 6:00 pm-8:00 pm
  • March 10 -6:00 pm-8:00 pm
  • Time for class varies, so please mark all dates and times on your calendar.  The entire class totals 50 hours earned.

Registry Event ID #964913

This is a blended course, with work done independently in WI Registry LMS and Google Classroom and set coaching sessions. Live coaching sessions are held virtually via Zoom. You must have a computer or laptop with a camera, audio, and internet to participate in the class. Watch for the Zoom link to arrive via email one date before the start of class between the hours of 3 pm and midnight from tdachel@4cfc.org


January Dates: $50.00 Generously Funded by  DCF- Department of Children and Families

Online Work completed on own in WI Registry LMS and Google Classroom = 32 hours of time

Virtual 18 hours of meetings: 

  • January 29 – 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
  • February 5-6:00 pm-7:00 pm
  • February 12-6:00 pm-7:00 pm
  • February 19-6:00 pm-7:00 pm
  • February 26-6:00 pm-8:00 pm
  • March 5-6:00 pm-8:00 pm
  • March 12 -6:00 pm-8:00 pm
  • March 19-6:00 pm-7:00 pm
  • March 26-6:00 pm-7:00 pm
  • April 2- 6:00 pm-8:00 pm
  • April 9 -6:00 pm-8:00 pm
  • Time for class varies, so please mark all dates and times on your calendar.  The entire class totals 50 hours earned.

Registry Event ID #966810

This is a blended course, with work done independently in WI Registry and Google Classroom and set coaching sessions. Live coaching sessions are held virtually via Zoom. You must have a computer or laptop with a camera, audio, and internet to participate in the class. Watch for the Zoom link to arrive via email one date before the start of class between the hours of 3 pm and midnight from tdachel@4cfc.org


February Dates: $50.00 Generously Funded by  DCF- Department of Children and Families

Online Work completed on own in WI Registry LMS and Google Classroom = 32 hours of time

Virtual 18 hours of meetings: 

  • February 27 – 9:00 am – 12:00 noon
  • March 6-9:00 am-10:00 am
  • March 13-9:00 am-10:00 am
  • March 20-9:00 am-10:00 am
  • March 27-9:00 am-11:00 am
  • April 3-9:00 am-11:00 am
  • April 10 -9:00 am-11:00 am
  • April 17-9:00 am-10:00 am
  • April 24-9:00 am-10:00 am
  • May 1-9:00 am-11:00 am
  • May 8 -9:00 am-11:00 am
  • Time for class varies, so please mark all dates and times on your calendar.  The entire class totals 50 hours earned.

Registry Event ID #966811

This is a blended course, with work done independently in WI Registry and Google Classroom and set coaching sessions. Live coaching sessions are held virtually via Zoom. You must have a computer or laptop with a camera, audio, and internet to participate in the class. Watch for the Zoom link to arrive via email one date before the start of class between the hours of 3 pm and midnight from tdachel@4cfc.org

CCFT: Fundamentals of Family Child Care (Revised 2024) IN-PERSON at 4C office

Revised in 2024, this Child Care Foundational Training provides foundational knowledge and skills training for individuals as they begin, or consider a career in caring for children in a home setting. Content includes exploring the basics of family child care from foundational business practices to intentional planning to support growth and development for mixed-age groups. Learners explore rules and regulations governing family child care businesses and programming. Practices and strategies will be explored to reflect the diverse needs of children and families in Wisconsin. This course fulfills introductory noncredit course requirements as specified in the Department of Children and Families (DCF) Chapters 202 and 250 for family child care.

Fee: $50.00   Time: 30 hours    (21 hours of in-person time and 9 hours of outside of class work)

March Dates: $50.00 Generously Funded by  DCF- Department of Children and Families

 In-Person Class: March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, April 7, 14, 2025

Class time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm  Registry Event Id #968259

(check out the Blended options in January and February)

Location of class: 4C For Children 1736 N. 2nd St. Milwaukee, WI 53212

In-person must arrive 15 minutes before the start of class to enter the building. Small vending machine operating on-site please bring beverages and snacks if needed. Water is available.

Each class listed is 30 hours worth of time, you are signing up to attend all dates at the time indicated for class. Please read all policies listed on the website before signing up for the class.

CCFT: Fundamentals of Family Child Care (Revised 2024) Blended - Web Based via Zoom

Revised in 2024, this Child Care Foundational Training provides foundational knowledge and skills training for individuals as they begin, or consider, a career in caring for children in a home setting. Content includes exploring the basics of family child care from foundational business practices to intentionally planning to support growth and development for mixed-age groups. Learners explore rules and regulations governing family child care businesses and programming. Practices and strategies will be explored to reflect the diverse needs of children and families in Wisconsin. This course fulfills introductory noncredit course requirements as specified in the Department of Children and Families (DCF) Chapters 202 and 250 for family child care.

This course will be completed as an online blended course with 20 hours of online work utilizing the WI Registry Learning Management System (LMS) and Google Classroom. 10 hours of the course will be done via Virtual ZOOM.   (You will receive a total of 30 hours of training). Dates that are listed for the class have times that will vary. Please write them carefully on your calendar when registering.

You must have high-speed internet, a camera, audio speakers, a computer, and access to Zoom and Google Classroom to participate in the class. Your Zoom link will arrive one day before the training from tdachel@4cfc.org between 3 pm and midnight. Please look for that link.

Fee: $50.00   Time: 30 hours    (10 hours of Virtual Zoom meeting live and 20 hours of work in WI Registry LMS and Google Classroom)

January Dates: $50.00 Generously Funded by  DCF- Department of Children and Families

Online Work completed on own in  WI Registry LMS and Google Classroom = 20 hours of time

Virtual 12 hours of meetings: 

  • January 7-6:00 pm-9:00 pm
  • January 9-6:00 pm-7:30 pm
  • January 14-6:00 pm-7:30 pm
  • January 16-6:00 pm-7:30 pm
  • January 21-6:00 pm-7:30 pm
  • January 28-6:00 pm-7:30 pm
  • January 30-6:00 pm-7:30 pm
  • Time for class varies, so please mark all dates and times on your calendar.  The entire class totals 36 hours earned.

Registry Event ID #964914

This is a blended course, with work done independently in WI Registry and Google Classroom and set coaching sessions. Live coaching sessions are held virtually via Zoom. You must have a computer or laptop with a camera, audio, and internet to participate in the class. Watch for the Zoom link to arrive via email one date before the start of class between the hours of 3 pm and midnight from tdachel@4cfc.org


February Dates: $50.00 Generously Funded by  DCF- Department of Children and Families

Online Work completed on own in  WI Registry LMS and Google Classroom = 20 hours of time

Virtual 10 hours of meetings: 

  • February 3-6:00 pm-9:00 pm
  • February 5-6:00 pm-7:30 pm
  • February 10-6:00 pm-7:30 pm
  • February 12-6:00 pm-7:30 pm
  • February 19-6:00 pm-7:30 pm
  • February 24-6:00 pm-7:30 pm
  • February 26-6:00 pm-7:30 pm
  • Time for class varies, so please mark all dates and times on your calendar.  The entire class totals 30 hours earned.

Registry Event ID #966817

This is a blended course, with work done independently in WI Registry and Google Classroom and set coaching sessions. Live coaching sessions are held virtually via Zoom. You must have a computer or laptop with a camera, audio, and internet to participate in the class. Watch for the Zoom link to arrive via email one date before the start of class between the hours of 3 pm and midnight from tdachel@4cfc.org

CCFT: Fundamentals of Infant & Toddler Care (Revised 2024): In-person at 4C office

Revised in 2024, this Child Care Foundational Training provides foundational knowledge and skills training for individuals as they begin, or consider, a career in caring for children in the infant and toddler age groups. Content includes exploring infant and toddler care within a relationship-based approach with an emphasis on providing learning experiences within caregiving routines and play based experiences. A particular emphasis will be on partnering with families in support of infant and toddler development and on reflecting family practices within infant and toddler settings and practices. This course fulfills introductory noncredit course requirements as specified in the Department of Children and Families (DCF) Chapters 250 and 251 for Family and Group Child Care in Wisconsin’s Administrative Code

Fee: $50.00     Time: 50 hours (39 hours of in-person time and 11 hours of outside of class work)

January Dates: $50.00 Generously Funded by  DCF- Department of Children and Families

In-Person Class: January 27, 28, February 3, 4, 10, 11, 18, 24, 25, March 3, 4,11, 17, 2025

Class time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm  Registry Event ID #965726


March Dates: $50.00 Generously Funded by  DCF- Department of Children and Families

In-Person Class: March 24, 31, April 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19, June 2, 9, 16, 23, 2025

Class time: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm  Registry Event ID #968597

Location of class: 4C For Children 1736 N. 2nd St. Milwaukee, WI 53212

In-person must arrive 15 minutes before the start of class to enter the building. Small vending machine operating on-site please bring beverages and snacks if needed. Water is available.

Each class listed is 50 hours worth of time, you are signing up to attend all dates at the time indicated for class. Please read all policies listed on the website before signing up for the class.

CCFT: Skills and Strategies for the Child Care Teacher - In-Person at 4C office

Revised in 2024, this Child Care Foundational Training will prepare individuals to be successful in the role of a lead child care teacher in a child care setting. This will be accomplished by thoroughly examining the subjects of curriculum planning and activity selection in a developmentally appropriate early childhood environment. Additional topics to be covered include exploring strategies to involve parents and the role of observation in a developmentally appropriate program. Child guidance and professionalism are also further developed. This course fulfills one of the introductory noncredit course requirements as specified in the Department of Children and Families (DCF) 251 Licensing Rules for Group Child Centers.

Fee: $50.00   Time: 50 hours    ( 33 hours of in-person time and 17 hours of outside of class work)

February Dates: $50.00 Generously Funded by  DCF- Department of Children and Families

Evening In-Person Class: February 20, 27, March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10, 17, 24, May 1, 2025

Class time: 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Registry Event ID #966805

Location of class: 4C For Children 1736 N. 2nd St. Milwaukee, WI 53212


In-person must arrive 15 minutes before the start of class to enter the building. Small vending machine operating on-site please bring beverages and snacks if needed. Water is available.

Each class listed is 50 hours worth of time, you are signing up to attend all dates at the time indicated for class. Please read all policies listed on the website before signing up for the class.


School-age 10 hour Assistant Child Care Worker

The School Age Assistant class will prepare participants to be successful in their work with School-Age Children in an out-of-school environment. This will be done by exploring the topics of: School-Age Growth and Development; Behavior Management; Defining a Quality School-Age Environment; Effective Programming; and the School-Age Professional. DCF Regulations are referred to throughout the class. This class meets the additional 10 hours of training needed to work with children ages 5-12 in childcare programs.

Fee: $90.00 Time: 10 hours

Please reach out to be added to the waiting list if you are interested in this course.

NOTE: Virtual via Zoom

To register for these courses:

  1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
    1. If you do not have an audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
  2. You must have access to high-speed internet.

Participants must have reliable internet access with a device that allows them to stream video, engage in online activities, and download handouts and resources needed to engage in the learning content.  Participants will also need the capacity to download and type into documents and/or scan and upload materials or take and email clear photographs/videos as documentation of implementation to share with their instructors. Participants should feel confident in their skills before registering.

Once registered, you will receive an email providing directions on how to log in.  The email will contain your login and access code. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

Currently no offerings please contact the office to let us know if you wish to have this class. 

CPR CoursesOffered In-Person or in a blended online format with in-person test out (each is indicated)

Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED –ARC BL (BL means blended learning).

This blended learning course will include an online portion and an instructor-led classroom session. You will earn 5.5 hours of continuing education upon completion of both the online and classroom session.  This course will prepare you to recognize and care for a variety of first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children and infants.

Before you register for a BL course, what you should know:

  • You must have a computer or tablet with a high speed internet connection to complete the work online.
  • The online session must be completed first before attending the registered instructor-led classroom session.
  • Allow approximately 3 hours to complete the online session.

Procedure for BL classes:

  • The online session will remain open 3-4 days before via a link provided by Red Cross called Salesforce Automation Account.  Please be sure you watch for it on the date listed next to the test out you signed up for.
  • The online session which is approximately 3 hours must be completed before attending the instructor-led session that you registered for. Please be sure to log in and out of the video games to make sure that your progress is being saved. The system will show the instructor that you have completed it so please make sure to go to the end.  
  • During class, you will have face-to-face testing of what you have learned online with the CPR manikins.
  • Upon successful completion of this course, you will receive a digital certificate for Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED valid for two years. Blended certificate opens 72 hours after being processed on your learning platform in the Red Cross.
  • Allow approximately 2.5 hours to complete the instructor-led classroom session.

Please wear comfortable clothing for your in-class session for manikin practice. You are welcome to bring in a bag lunch. Vending machines are available onsite. Manikin test out is in-person located at 4C For Children 1736 N. 2nd St. Milwaukee, WI 53212. Please arrive 15 minutes before the session to be buzzed into the door by ringing the bell. The instructor will then guide you to the room.

4C For Children is a Proud Provider of American Red Cross First Aid, CPR, and AED Training.

Fee: $100.00

January 8, 2025 online opens January 3 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm   Registry Event ID #966173 
January 23, 2025 online opens January 17 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Registry Event ID #966178 
January 30, 2025 online opens January 26 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Registry Event ID #966182 
February 24, 2025 online opens Feb 19 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Registry Event ID #966186 
March 3, 2025 online opens Feb 26 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Registry Event ID #966200 
March 11, 2025 online opens March 6 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Registry Event ID #966205 
March 24, 2025 online opens March 19 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Registry Event ID #966210 

Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED - ARC In-Person at 4C Office

The Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED course incorporates the latest science and teaches students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid emergencies, how to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies to help victims of any age – adults (about 12 years and older) and pediatric (infants and children up to 12 years of age). Students who successfully complete this course will receive a certificate for Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED valid for two years. 4C For Children is a Proud Provider of American Red Cross First Aid, CPR and AED Training.

This face to face course is 5.5 hours of continuing education please wear comfortable clothing for manikin practice.

You are welcome to bring in a bag lunch.

Fee: $100.00 

 January 25, 2025 8:00 am – 1:30 pm  Registry Event ID #966157
February 22, 2025 8:00 am – 1:30 pm Registry Event ID #966163
March 1, 2025 8:00 am – 1:30 pm Registry Event ID #966166

Located at the Milwaukee Office:  1736 N. 2nd St.  Milwaukee, WI 53212  Please arrive at least 15 minutes ahead of the training. Ring doorbell to enter the building.

Continuing Education –  Offered Web Based via Zoom 

Inspiring Spaces: Blocks and Sensory Area - Web Based via Zoom

This workshop will inspire you to create a block/construction/sensory play area that will engage and inspire the children in your classroom.  You will develop in class, ideas to incorporate into these areas that will spark children’s minds, challenge their motor skills and encourage them to make scientific connections to the world around them.  Come to be re-inspired in these very important areas of the classroom!

Fee: $20.00 

January 15, 2025 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Registry Event ID #961101

To register for these Virtual: Zoom courses:

1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
a. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
2. You must have access to high speed internet.

Once registered, you will receive an email providing you directions on how to log-in. The email will contain your log-in and access code this email will be sent one day before the date of the training. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

How to Calm the Chaos or Tame the Tornado: Classroom Management - Web Based via Zoom

Do you feel overwhelmed in the classroom? Come and learn some strategies to bring calm to the classroom and tame the whirlwind that is the classroom. We will explore licensing rules surrounding Physical Plant and Equipment; classroom health and safety strategies; environmental set up and organization; and how the environment can influence children’s behaviors and some strategies for classroom behavior.

Fee: $30.00

January 22, 2025 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Registry Event ID #960663 

To register for these Virtual: Zoom courses:

1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
a. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
2. You must have access to high speed internet.

Once registered, you will receive an email providing you directions on how to log-in. The email will contain your log-in and access code this email will be sent one day before the date of the training. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

Inspiring Spaces: Dramatic Play and Practical Life - Web Based via Zoom

This workshop will inspire you to create a dramatic play and practical life area that will engage and inspire the children in your classroom.  You will develop in class, ideas to incorporate into these areas that will spark children’s minds, blossom their creativity and encourage imaginary and fantasy play.  Come to be re-inspired in these very important areas of the classroom!

Fee: $20.00 

January 22, 2025 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Registry Event ID #961089 

To register for these Virtual: Zoom courses:

1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
a. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
2. You must have access to high speed internet.

Once registered, you will receive an email providing you directions on how to log-in. The email will contain your log-in and access code this email will be sent one day before the date of the training. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

Don’t just say no: Use Positive Guidance - Web Based via Zoom

This workshop takes a look at children’s behavior, our reactions to it, and explores positive guidance techniques to use with the children in your care as well as touching on challenging behaviors

Fee: $30.00 Virtual zoom

January 29, 2025 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Registry Event ID #960665 
March 27, 2025 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Registry Event ID #968180 
May 20, 2025 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Registry Event ID #968181 

To register for these Virtual: Zoom courses:

1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
a. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
2. You must have access to high speed internet.

Once registered, you will receive an email providing you directions on how to log-in. The email will contain your log-in and access code this email will be sent one day before the date of the training. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

Reversing Trauma: Building Resilient Children & Nurturing Hope - Web Based via Zoom

Join Dr. Weinstein for a dynamic, 3-hour, course tailored for early childhood educators. It aims to empower participants with essential insights and tools for addressing trauma in young children. We will explore the adverse effects of trauma through an interactive children’s story, interspersed along with learning materials. We will focus on the effects of trauma on early development, learn intervention strategies and explore practical approaches for fostering resilience and hope. By combining theory with hands-on activities, including a video presentation, brain demonstration and a team game, this course promises to create a supportive classroom environment that promotes healing and significantly impacts the lives of trauma-affected children.

Fee: $35.00 

February 1, 2025 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Registry Event ID #947904 
March 1, 2025 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Registry Event ID #966078 
April 12, 2025 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Registry Event ID #966084 
May 3, 2025 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Registry Event ID #966091 

To register for these Virtual: Zoom courses:

1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
a. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
2. You must have access to high speed internet.

Once registered, you will receive an email providing you directions on how to log-in. The email will contain your log-in and access code this email will be sent one day before the date of the training. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

Inspiring Spaces: Logic and Nature - Web Based via Zoom

 This workshop will inspire you to create a logic and nature area that will engage and inspire the children in your classroom.  You will develop in class, ideas to incorporate into these areas that will spark children’s minds, blossom their creativity and encourage scientific and mathematical thinking through play.  Come to be re-inspired in these very important areas of the classroom!

Fee: $20.00 (1 hour) 

February 12, 2025 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Registry Event ID #965975 

To register for these Virtual: Zoom courses:

1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
a. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
2. You must have access to high speed internet.

Once registered, you will receive an email providing you directions on how to log-in. The email will contain your log-in and access code this email will be sent one day before the date of the training. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

Making Math Opportunities Everyday Activities - Web Based via Zoom

Math happens around us every day. Come and explore how you can incorporate math opportunities into your daily schedule and lesson plans. Learn about activities you can do with your children to instill in them mathematical knowledge about the world around them.

Fee: $30.00 

February 19, 2025 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Registry Event ID #960666 

To register for these Virtual: Zoom courses:

1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
a. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
2. You must have access to high speed internet.

Once registered, you will receive an email providing you directions on how to log-in. The email will contain your log-in and access code this email will be sent one day before the date of the training. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

Inspiring Spaces: Art and Creativity - Web Based via Zoom

This workshop will inspire you to develop a creativity area that will engage and inspire the children in your classroom.  You will develop in class, ideas to incorporate into these areas that will spark children’s minds, blossom their creativity and encourage artistic freedom through play.  Come to be re-inspired in these very important areas of the classroom!

Fee: $20.00  ( 1 hour )

February 19, 2025 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm  Registry Event ID #961004 

To register for these Virtual: Zoom courses:

1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
a. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
2. You must have access to high speed internet.

Once registered, you will receive an email providing you directions on how to log-in. The email will contain your log-in and access code this email will be sent one day before the date of the training. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

Transporting Children Safely - Web Based via Zoom

   This workshop will review regulation requirements regarding the transportation of children in childcare settings. Current regulations will be reviewed. The participants will be able to explore program policies related to transporting young children. Tips and strategies will be examined that can help providers in implementing practices that meet transportation regulations.

Fee: $30.00 

March 17, 2024 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Registry Event ID #960660 

Note this is a virtual zoom class

1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
a. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
2. You must have access to high speed internet.

Once registered, you will receive an email providing you directions on how to log-in. The email will contain your log-in and access code this email will be sent one day before the date of the training. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

I have my eye on you: Supervision - Web Based Via Zoom

This workshop will look at rules and regulations around supervision We will explore types of supervision and some problems that may arise around supervision.  Participants will get an opportunity to talk about and share ideas and tips on supervision that work for them.  Participants will also get a chance to develop a plan for supervision.

Fee: $30.00 All virtual Zoom

February 13, 2025 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Registry Event Id #968174 
April 16, 2025 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Registry Event ID #960659 
May 20, 2025 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Registry Event ID #968176 

To register for these Virtual: Zoom courses:

1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
a. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
2. You must have access to high speed internet.

Once registered, you will receive an email providing you directions on how to log-in. The email will contain your log-in and access code this email will be sent one day before the date of the training. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

Brain Boosting Early Childhood Development - Web Based via Zoom

Building better brains during early childhood development is both an art and a science. This science-driven course is designed to help children maximize their fullest developmental potential by combining innovative neuroscience and child psychology best practices. Discover how to supercharge the young brain for learning using the 7 domains of early development. This interactive course is designed for early childhood education professionals, providing practical, hands-on tools to increase classroom teaching effectiveness.

Fee: $35.00

To register for these Virtual: Zoom courses:

1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
a. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
2. You must have access to high speed internet.

Once registered, you will receive an email providing you directions on how to log-in. The email will contain your log-in and access code this email will be sent one day before the date of the training. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

Can you Handle It?? - Stress Management - Web Based via Zoom

Most early childhood professionals are nurturers by nature taking care of themselves last and rarely say no. Sometimes they can become overwhelmed and begin to feel stress. On other occasions, the behavior of the children enrolled in the program or the parent clients can cause stress for the early childhood professional not to mention the providers own family who also make demands on their time. Come and learn about stress and some stress/time management techniques.

Fee: $30.00  

April 23, 2025 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Registry Event ID #968178 

To register for these Virtual: Zoom courses:

1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
a. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
2. You must have access to high speed internet.

Once registered, you will receive an email providing you directions on how to log-in. The email will contain your log-in and access code this email will be sent one day before the date of the training. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

Child Attendance and Tracking Procedures - Web Based via Zoom

One of the primary health and safety goals for all early care programs is to ensure the physical safety of the children in their care. Number one in this list: know the whereabouts of every child at every moment. This workshop will help programs review procedures to take attendance, maintain staff-child ratios, and to track the location of children throughout the day and while transporting children to and from the program.

Fee: $30.00

March 21, 2025 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Registry Event ID #968177 

To register for these Virtual: Zoom courses:

1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
a. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
2. You must have access to high speed internet.

Once registered, you will receive an email providing you directions on how to log-in. The email will contain your log-in and access code this email will be sent one day before the date of the training. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

Coming soon: Science: Can you see it? It’s in everything you do! - Web Based via Zoom

Science experiences are an important part of the early learning years. They create the wonder and discovery of all of life’s questions. Come and learn the different types of science and how to incorporate it into your everyday activities. Learn how to create intentional science situations that will impact a child’s life.

Fee: $30.00 

Coming soon: Interested contact Tracie Dachel tdachel@4cfc.org

To register for these Virtual: Zoom courses:

1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
a. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
2. You must have access to high speed internet.

Once registered, you will receive an email providing you directions on how to log-in. The email will contain your log-in and access code this email will be sent one day before the date of the training. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

Continuing Education –  Offered In-Person

I Belong Here! All Children Matter: Supporting Differing Abilities (15 hours)- IN-PERSON at 4C office

Inclusion is vital to the Early Childhood Community. Inclusion allows all children with various abilities to come together to learn, socialize, and grow in an environment that promotes play and allows all children to develop life skills. Join us in this 15-hour course on Differing Abilities and Inclusive practices to learn what inclusion is, and how to recognize, understand, and support all children in your care.

Fee: $125.00  in-person training Located at 4C For Children 1736 N. 2nd St. Milwaukee, Wi 53212

June 4, 11, 18, 25, July 2, 2025 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Registry Event ID #966027 

You must attend all dates and times to verify your course participation. Interactive assignments are also part of the course. Please be prepared for classwork to dive deeper into learning.

Continuing Education – Health and Safety (Abusive Head Trauma, Child Abuse, Sudden Infant Death and Strengthening Families Through Early Care and Education with Mandated Reporter)

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome – SIDS - Web Based via Zoom

This workshop is designed to help childcare providers and parents better understand the risk factors identified in cases of SIDS deaths and the techniques that have been identified as reducing the instances of SIDS cases.

Fee: $30.00 All Virtual Zoom

January 6, 2025 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Registry Event ID #960670 

NOTE: Virtual Zoom

To register for these courses:
1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
a. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
2. You must have access to high speed internet.

Once registered, you will receive an email providing you directions on how to log-in. The email will contain your log-in and access code this email will be sent one day before the training start date. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

Child Abuse & Neglect - Web Based via Zoom

Training on this topic is required to be renewed periodically while working with young children in Wisconsin. You suspect a child may be a victim of abuse, would you know what to do and who to call? What are some signs to look for? This in-service will involve group discussions on how to handle some difficult situations. It will also review needed child care center policies and documentation. Protective Factors that Strengthen Families will be shared. Community resources will be available.

Fee: $30.00  All Virtual Zoom

February 21, 2025 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Registry Event ID #968599 
April 5, 2025  9:00 am – 11:00 am Registry Event ID #968600 

To register for these Virtual: Zoom courses:

1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
a. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
2. You must have access to high speed internet.

Once registered, you will receive an email providing you directions on how to log-in. The email will contain your log-in and access code this email will be sent one day before the date of the training. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

Abusive Head Trauma Prevention Training for Child Care Providers with Mandated Reporter - Web Based via Zoom

The Wisconsin Legislature’s 2006 Prevent Violence Against Children Act went into effect in April 2007. The Act required that all child care providers working with children under age 5 years receive training in Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) Prevention and how to manage crying, fussing, or distraught children. Wisconsin’s required Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) Prevention Training for Child Care Providers has been updated and renamed Abusive Head Trauma (AHT) Prevention Training for Child Care Providers. By September 1, 2020, department-approved SBS trainers offering a stand-alone class, department-approved agencies providing non-credit, department-approved, entry-level training courses (Introduction to the Child Care Profession and Fundamentals of Infant and Toddler Care), instructors of Wisconsin Technical College courses for credit, and high school teachers of the DPI Assistant Child Care Teacher course must begin using the new AHT Prevention Training for Child Care Providers developed in partnership by the Wisconsin Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board and the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families, in consultation with the National Center on Shaken Baby Syndrome.

Shaken Baby Syndrome is one form of Abusive Head Trauma. AHT also includes injury, not only to the brain, but to the skull and spinal cord, which can result from shaking or from inflicting trauma on the head by other means, such as throwing, intentionally dropping, striking, or other forms of impact. Abusive Head Trauma Prevention Training for Child Care Providers addresses the latest information on:
Abusive Head Trauma
The Period of Purple Crying
Strategies and challenges of soothing
Coping with frustration
Having a plan and educating others

Fee: $30.00 All Virtual Zoom

January 29, 2025 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Registry Event ID #960672 
February 28, 2025 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Registry Event ID #968610 
April 15, 2025 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Registry Event ID #968612 

To register for these Virtual zoom courses:
1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
a. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
2. You must have access to high speed internet.

Once registered, you will receive an email providing you directions on how to log-in. The email will contain your log-in and access code this email will be sent one day before the date of the training. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

Strengthening Families Through Early Care and Education with Mandated Reporter- Web Based via Zoom

In this 3-hour training, participants will learn about the 5 protective factors which are demonstrated to strengthen family function. They will also be able to identify at least three next steps that they could take following the training to build protective factors within their early care and education setting and available resources to implement ideas. Participants will also be able to identify Strengthening Families resources. SCAN-MRT training is included

Fee: $35.00

February 3, 2025 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Registry Event ID #968604 
March 3, 2024 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Registry Event ID #968605 
April 25, 2025 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Registry Event ID #968607 

To register for these Virtual: Zoom courses:

1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
a. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
2. You must have access to high speed internet.

Once registered, you will receive an email providing you directions on how to log-in. The email will contain your log-in and access code this email will be sent one day before the date of the training. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

I Belong Here! All Children Matter: Supporting Differing Abilities (15 hours) – Continuing Education Course Offered In-Person

I Belong Here! All Children Matter: Supporting Differing Abilities (15 hours)- IN-PERSON at 4C office

Inclusion is vital to the Early Childhood Community. Inclusion allows all children with various abilities to come together to learn, socialize, and grow in an environment that promotes play and allows all children to develop life skills. Join us in this 15-hour course on Differing Abilities and Inclusive practices to learn what inclusion is, and how to recognize, understand, and support all children in your care.

Fee: $125.00  in-person training Located at 4C For Children 1736 N. 2nd St. Milwaukee, Wi 53212

June 4, 11, 18, 25, and July 2, 2025 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Registry Event ID #966027 

You must attend all dates and times to verify your course participation. Interactive assignments are also part of the course. Please be prepared for classwork to dive deeper into learning.

WMELS (20 hours –Virtual Zoom) and Pyramid Model (24-hours –online modules with coaching)- Continuing Education opportunities

(WMELS) Wisconsin Model of Early Learning Standards - Web Based via Zoom, Live (20 hours)

The Wisconsin Early Learning Standards model provides a framework of expectations appropriate for young children that can guide our work in creating, evaluating, and improving the conditions necessary for the optimal development of children. Through practical activities and discussions, participants will learn to use the early learning standards as a guide to provide quality early care and education.  $125.00

January 6, 8, 13, 15, 21, 22, 27, 29, 2025 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Registry Event ID #963994 
February 4, 6, 11, 18, 20, 25, 27, March 4, 2025 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm Registry Event ID #960667 

To register:

  1. You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.
    1. If you do not have an audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
  2. You must have access to high-speed internet.

Participants must have reliable internet access with a device that allows them to stream video, engage in online activities, download handouts and resources needed to engage in the learning content.  Participants will also need the capacity to download and type into documents and/or scan and upload materials or take and email clear photographs/videos as documentation of implementation to share with their instructors. Participants should feel confident in their skills before registering.

The day before the training, you will receive an email providing directions on how to log in before the start of your Virtual Zoom class “live” on the computer.  The email will contain your log-in and access code. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile.

Pyramid Model e-Modules with Reflective Coaching (ONLINE- Self Paced)

State approved Pyramid Model training content that addresses the theory and evidence based practices to enhance the social and emotional competence of children ages birth through 6 will be presented online via the Pyramid Model e-Modules.
The content aligns with the Pyramid Model framework- a multi-leveled system of support to address child development in critical areas important to school readiness- including social and emotional development. Children who enter school with social and emotional competence demonstrate higher academic achievement.
The training provides many examples and concrete strategies for how to use recommended practices daily with young children and their families.
Throughout the training, an assigned coach will provide guidance on the implementation of the skills and strategies being presented and request evidence of implementation plans.

(24 hour training) online training with coaching

Online offerings are available  $125.00

January 6 through April 18, 2025

Registry Event ID #961002

(The instructor will set up the coaching dates February 12, March 12, and April 9 and send the class link the day of the class in a welcome letter) 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm virtual Zoom coaching, class is completed through an online system with each module complete by the time coaching takes place.

Correspondence Continuing Education Packets – One hour

Coming soon by end of February 2025

Teamwork- Effectively Leading, Relating & Communicating, Correspondence Packet

Teams are made up of a group of people. All attitudes and decisions should be geared toward the success of everyone involved in the child’s well-being. Remember that there is no “I” in teamwork.

Regular Fee $8.00

Location: 4C For Children Milwaukee (1736 N. 2nd Street)
Date: Register before December 10, 2024
Self-Paced: Return packet on or before December 15, 2024
Registry Event ID #946278

Bridging the gap: Improving communication with parents, correspondence packet

Communication between parents and providers isn’t always easy, but it is crucial. Understanding each other is key to having shared, similar activities, fundamental values and goals for the child. Discover tips for effective communication with parents and how partnering with parents benefits the child.

Regular Fee $8.00

Location: 4C For Children Milwaukee (1736 N. 2nd Street)
Date: Register before December 10, 2024
Self-Paced: Return packet on or before December 15, 2024
Registry Event ID #946268

Building Meaningful relationships with families

Learn strategies for building meaningful relationships with families and create concepts for helping families become supported and connected to the child care setting.

Regular Fee $8.00

Location: 4C For Children Milwaukee (1736 N. 2nd Street)
Date: Register before December 10, 2024
Self-Paced: Return packet on or before December 15, 2024
Registry Event ID # 943984

Creating Age-appropriate Activities & Projects- Correspondence Packet

Children love to investigate. Learn about age-appropriate activities and examine a project approach way of teaching children in your classroom

Regular Fee $8.00

Location: 4C For Children Milwaukee (1736 N. 2nd Street)
Date: Register before December 10, 2024
Self-Paced: Return packet on or before December 15, 2024
Registry Event Id #943988

Improving Teacher and Child Interactions

Building a positive relationship with the children in your classroom is essential to their success. Listening, eye contact, tone of voice, and understanding and respecting them as individuals can do wonders for the classroom environment. Leading the way and giving children tools to be successful in return makes you successful as a teacher – keeping all safe, secure, and developmentally ready for the education journey you’re embarking on as a group.    Regular Fee $8.00

Location: 4C For Children Milwaukee (1736 N. 2nd Street)
Date: Register before December 10, 2024
Self-Paced: Return packet on or before December 15, 2024
Registry Event ID #943998

Disciplining Children at Different Ages

It is always important to match the disciplinary approach to the child’s age. Children responds to certain methods more readily at certain developmental stages than others. This article gives ideas on how to deal with your child when that time comes.

Regular Fee $8.00

Location: 4C For Children Milwaukee (1736 N. 2nd Street)
Date: Register before December 10, 2024
Self-Paced: Return packet on or before December 15, 2024
Registry Event Id #944002

Giving Medications Safely and Effectively

Managing children’s medications can be a tough job. Unlike adults who can administer drugs safely themselves, children rely on you for safety and guidance. In this packet learn how to safely provide various medications to the children.

Regular Fee $8.00

Location: 4C For Children Milwaukee (1736 N. 2nd Street)
Date: Register before December 10, 2024
Self Paced: Return packet on or before December  15, 2024
Registry Event ID # 944008

Using Rewards Effectively

Children must learn that although everyone enjoys being rewarded for good behavior, they are not always going to be rewarded for everything they do in the real world. This training shows how to use discretion to give rewards when warranted, bit to not overdo it.

Regular Fee $8.00

Location: 4C For Children Milwaukee (1736 N. 2nd Street)
Date: Register before December 10, 2024
Self-Paced: Return packet on or before December 15, 2024
Registry Event ID # 944040

Screening and Sharing Results

Since developmental monitoring and screening is so important, it stands to reason that communication between parents and staff members needs to occur more often. A multi-systemic approach to conferencing, such as the methods described in this article; fills this need.

Regular Fee $8.00

Location: 4C For Children Milwaukee (1736 N. 2nd Street)
Date: Register before December 10, 2024
Self-Paced: Return packet on or before December 15, 2024
Registry Event ID #935628

Early Math Skills: One on One

This packet will show you how to easily make a learning aid that can be used with common manipulatives. Information on the importance of one-to-one correspondence is provided.

Regular Fee $8.00

Location: 4C For Children Milwaukee (1736 N. 2nd Street)
Date: Register before December 10, 2024
Self-Paced: Return packet on or before December 15, 2024
Registry Event ID #935483

Early Math Skills: Matching and Sorting

This packet will show you how to easily make a learning aid that can encourage the development of the early math skill of patterning. Information on the importance of being able to match items is provided. Ideas for basic matching to more complex matching are included.

Regular Fee $8.00

Location: 4C For Children Milwaukee (1736 N. 2nd Street)
Date: Register before December 10, 2024
Self-Paced: Return packet on or before December 15, 2024
Registry Event Id #944041

Early Math Skills: Beginning Patterning

This packet will show you how to easily make a learning aid that can encourage the development of the early math skill of patterning. Information on the importance of being able to match items is provided. Ideas for basic matching to more complex matching are included.

Regular Fee $8.00

Location: 4C For Children Milwaukee (1736 N. 2nd Street)
Date: Register before June 1, 2024
Self-Paced: Return packet on or before December 15, 2024
Registry Event ID #935482

Emotional Growth in Early Childhood: Birth through Five

Early childhood is a pivotal time for a child’s brain development, behavior development, behavior establishment, readiness for learning, and the foundations of lifelong emotional well-being.  The development a child makes from birth to age 5 makes a significant impact on the remainder of that child’s life.

Regular Fee $8.00

Location: 4C For Children Milwaukee (1736 N. 2nd Street)
Date: Register before December 10, 2024
Self Paced: Return packet on or before December 15, 2024
Registry Event ID #944042

Establishing Productive Relationships with Parents

Learn ways to create consistency and connection with parents.  Build a better relationship and learn ways to overcome barriers parents may have in being more involved in their children’s learning.

Regular Fee $8.00

Location: 4C For Children Milwaukee (1736 N. 2nd Street)
Date: Register before December 10, 2024
Self-Paced: Return packet on or before December 15, 2024
Registry Event ID #935480

Handling Challenging Behaviors: Rules, Rituals & Routines among Useful Strategies

Challenging behaviors can have serious developmental effects, even during early childhood. Learn basic principles as to why children engage in challenging behaviors as well as prevention strategies, preventive practices and positive behavior support.

Regular Fee $8.00

Location: 4C For Children Milwaukee (1736 N. 2nd Street)
Date: Register before December 10, 2024
Self-Paced: Return packet on or before December 15, 2024
Registry Event ID #944045

Social and Emotional Milestones

Children will often have met their milestones from the time they were born. These milestones monitor the progress a child makes and informs teachers and parents when they are ready to take the next step. Failure to reach milestones can result to academic struggles later on.

Regular Fee $8.00

Location: 4C For Children Milwaukee (1736 N. 2nd Street)
Date: Register before December 10, 2024
Self Paced: Return packet on or before December 15, 2024
Registry Event ID #944054

The importance of Personality Preferences

Children are most comfortable when they can use their learning preferences.  Even though they can learn to operate outside of their preferences, it takes more effort, which can hamper their learning.  As a result, it is vital for teachers to better understand children’s temperament and personality styles early on. Similarly, it is important for teachers to not overlook “goodness of fit” in other words, the difference between their temperament and the child.

Regular Fee $8.00

Location: 4C For Children Milwaukee (1736 N. 2nd Street)
Date: Register before December 10, 2024
Self Paced: Return packet on or before December 15, 2024
Registry Event ID #944069

The Mindfulness Connection

Mindfulness strategies improve overall health and well-being for children and adults alike.  Teachers who regularly use these strategies and model them for students and their families have a chance to improve their own lives, as well as those of countless others.

Regular Fee $8.00

Location: 4C For Children Milwaukee (1736 N. 2nd Street)
Date: Register before December 10, 2024
Self-Paced: Return packet on or before December 15, 2024
Registry Event ID #944082

Registration Closed - Allergies and Asthma

Discover signs and symptoms of Allergies and Asthma. Recommendations of helping children with creating an action plan with the families of children in your care who have allergies or asthma.

Regular Fee $8.00

Registration Closed-Assessing Math Readiness Skills for Kindergarten

By the time children start kindergarten, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics notes that children already have, “considerable mathematical experience, a partial understanding of many concepts and some important skills, including counting.”

Regular Fee $8.00

Registration Closed-Bullies, Victims and Bystanders

Learn about different types of bullying. Specific strategies to use to reduce bullying behaviors will be reviewed.

Regular Fee $8.00

TTAP Trainings (Course is under revision no new trainings will be offered until 2025) Please send your name, email, and phone to 4c@4cfc.org to be placed on the waiting list for this training or click on this google form link to be added automatically: https://forms.gle/ZDWLqkMEQhNrVoBj7

Foundations Course (7 hours)

This course, will explore the art and the science of training and technical assistance through some unique lenses.  As a T-TA Professional, you must know the science behind training and/or technical assistance, such as knowledge of adult learning theory, the technical components of organizing goals and objectives, and developing professional relationships.  You must also have the skills and dispositions to apply those theories and the goals to develop a relationship of respect and trust: this is an art.  This training will provide opportunities to play, to engage with others and to reflect on the important work you do.  We will dig deeper and explore wider the knowledge, skills and dispositions needed to be a successful Training and Technical Assistance Professional.  You will leave feeling challenged and inspired.                                 

The state is revising this curriculum.  No available training is being offered at this time.  Please call the office to find out more after November 2023.

Regular Fee $70.00

Virtual ZOOM class:

You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.

  1. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
  2. You must have access to high-speed internet.

Participants must have reliable internet access with a device that allows them to stream video, engage in online activities, download handouts and resources needed to engage in the learning content.  Participants will also need capacity to download and type into documents and/or scan and upload materials or take and email clear photographs/videos as documentation of implementation to share with their instructors. Participants should feel confident in their skills before registering.

The day before your first class you will receive an email providing directions on how to login.  The email will contain a “join the meeting” link with password and meeting ID. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile before registering as we will use the information in the profile to send all items.

Training Professional Course (7 hours + 1 hour assignment)

This course, will explore the art and the science of training all early childhood professionals.  To address the science of designing and implementing trainings, you will learn how to utilize a framework for organizing content as well as gain an understanding of how adults learn in an environment that is engaging and interactive.  Training is also an art.  The art of knowing how, when to reenergize your audience or how to handle the participants who are disengaged.  This training will also explore some active learning strategies designed to engage adult learners.  Finally, you will complete an inventory of Practice that infuses strategies learned in the course as well as submit a reflection of your training practices and receive feedback from the course instructor.

The state is revising this curriculum.  No available training is being offered at this time.  Please call the office to find out more after November 2023.

To register for these courses:

You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.

  1. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
  2. You must have access to high-speed internet.

Participants must have reliable internet access with a device that allows them to stream video, engage in online activities, download handouts and resources needed to engage in the learning content.  Participants will also need capacity to download and type into documents and/or scan and upload materials or take and email clear photographs/videos as documentation of implementation to share with their instructors. Participants should feel confident in their skills before registering.

The day before your first class you will receive an email providing directions on how to login.  The email will contain a “join the meeting” link with password and meeting ID. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile before registering as we will use the information in the profile to send all items.

Technical Assistance Professional Course (7 hours + 1 hour assignment)

This course will dig deeper into what it takes to provide relationship-based professional development for adults throughout the early childhood field.  The training will explore ways to mentor, coach, and consult for inquiry, reflection, and leadership.  Technical assistance is also an art.  The art of communicating to support awareness that leads to change.  Training will offer opportunities to brainstorm and problem-solve some of the common issues around technical assistance.  Finally, you will complete a reflective professional development plan and received feedback from instructor.

The state is revising this curriculum.  No available training is being offered at this time.  Please call the office to find out more after November 2023.

Regular Fee $90.00

To register for these courses:

You must have access to a computer with a camera and audio speaker.

  1. If you do not have audio speaker on your computer, you can call in with a phone.
  2. You must have access to high-speed internet.

Participants must have reliable internet access with a device that allows them to stream video, engage in online activities, download handouts and resources needed to engage in the learning content.  Participants will also need capacity to download and type into documents and/or scan and upload materials or take and email clear photographs/videos as documentation of implementation to share with their instructors. Participants should feel confident in their skills before registering.

The day before your first class you will receive an email providing directions on how to login.  The email will contain a “join the meeting” link with password and meeting ID. Please make sure your email and phone are up to date in your registry profile before registering as we will use the information in the profile to send all items.


If you have any questions about which classes best meet your needs or if you’d like more details about our training options, we’re here to help! Please feel free to reach out by calling us at 414-562-2650 or emailing us at 4c@4cfc.org.

To receive a comprehensive list of our current class offerings, simply click the link below and complete the form:

Available Topics:

We offer a wide variety of topics and can customize training sessions to suit your specific needs. Some of the topics we cover include:

  • Guidance and Discipline Strategies
  • Supervision Best Practices
  • Creating an Effective Learning Environment
  • Transporting Children Safely
  • Child Attendance and Tracking Procedures
  • Stress Management Techniques for Educators
  • Classroom Management Skills
  • Brain-Boosting Early Childhood Development Activities
  • Understanding and Supporting Trauma-Impacted Children

And that’s just the beginning! If you have a specific topic in mind or unique training needs, let us know, and we’ll work to design a session tailored just for you.

Our goal is to ensure you have the resources and knowledge to succeed. Don’t hesitate to reach out—we look forward to supporting you!